Analysis of Resistive Circuits: v-i relationship for Independent Voltage and Current Sources Solution of resistive circuits with independent sources- Node Voltage and Mesh Current Analysis, Nodal Conductance Matrix and Mesh Resistance Matrix and symmetry properties of these matrices Source Transformation and Star-Delta / Delta-Star Conversions to reduce resistive networks Circuit Theorems - Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Magnetic Circuits: MMF, Magnetic Flux, Reluctance, Energy stored in a Magnetic Field, Solution of Magnetic Circuits. Two Terminal Element Relationships: Inductance - Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz’s Law, Self and Mutual Inductance, Inductances in Series and Parallel, Mutual Flux and Leakage Flux, Coefficient of Coupling, Dot Convention, Cumulative and Differential Connection of Coupled Coils. Capacitance – Electrostatics, Capacitance, Parallel Plate Capacitor, Capacitors in series and parallel, Energy stored in Electrostatic Field, v-i relationship for Inductance and Capacitance
Single Phase AC Circuits: Alternating Quantities - Average Value, Effective Value, Form and Peak factors for square, triangle, trapezoidal and sinusoidal waveforms. Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities - phase difference, Addition and subtraction of sinusoids, Symbolic Representation: Cartesian, Polar and Exponential forms. Analysis of a.c circuits - R, RL, RC, RLC circuits using phasor concept, Concept of impedance, admittance, conductance and susceptance. Power in single phase circuits - instantaneous power, average power, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, complex power, solution of series, parallel and series parallel a.c circuits.
Sensors and Transducers: principles of piezoelectric, photoelectric, thermoelectric transducers, thermistors, strain gauge, LVDT, etc, Measurement of temperature, pressure, velocity, flow, pH, liquid level, etc. Basics of Signal Amplification: (Explanation based on two port models is only envisaged) – voltage gain, current gain and power gain, amplifier saturation, types of amplifiers (voltage, current, transconductance and transresistance amplifiers) and relationship between these amplifier models, frequency response of amplifiers, single time constant networks. Operational amplifier basics: Ideal op-amp, inverting, noninverting, summing and difference amplifiers, integrator, differentiator.
Digital Electronics: Review of number systems and Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and Truth Tables, Simplification of Boolean functions using Karnaugh map (upto 4 variable K-maps), Implementation of Simple combinational circuits (Adder, Code Converters, 7-Segment Drivers, Comparators, Priority Encoders, etc) - MUX-based implementation of combinatorial circuits , Sequential circuits: SR,JK, T and D filpflops, counters and registers using D flip flops, Basics of data converters (at least one ADC and DAC).
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NOTE: Few videos in this playlist are not necessary(Module 5) and this lecture series is not in the same order as that of our syllabus, for example, you can find lectures on Magnetic Circuits after Single-phase AC here.
NOTE: Here’s a playlist with videos under 15 mins. PS. Few topics mentioned in these videos are not necessary so; cross check with syllabus
NOTE: You can find a lot of video lectures on electronics part, the attached playlist has pretty much everything you need.
NOTE: Few assignments listed below has its answers along with it.
NOTE: Few question papers listed below has its answers along with it.