Chemistry LAB


List of Experiments:

  1. Determination of specific rotation by polarimetry
  2. Potentiometric titrations
  3. Estimation of ions using complexometry
  4. Determination of strength of an acid using pH meter
  5. Analysis of organic and inorganic compounds
  6. Conductometric titrations using acid or mixture of acids
  7. Separation of compounds using chromatography
  8. Colorimetric estimations
  9. Determine the eutectic temperature and composition of a solid two component system
  10. Synthesis of organic/inorganic compounds and their characterizations
  11. Determination of molecular weight of polymers

Note: Selected experiments from the above list will be conducted


  1. G. H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R.C. Denny, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Longmann Scientific and Technical, John Wiley, New York,1989.
  2. A. I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry – Small Scale Preparations, Pearson India, New Delhi, 2011.
  3. A. I. Vogel, A. R. Tatchell, B. S. Furnis, A. J. Hannaford and P. W. G. Smith, Vogel’s Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, Longman and Scientific Technical, New York, 1989.
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