Particle nature of radiation – Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Wave nature of matter – matter waves, wave packets description, phase and group velocity, uncertainty principle. Formulation of Schrödinger equation, physical meaning of wave function, expectation values, time-independent Schrödinger equation, quantization of energy for bound particles. Application of time-independent Schrödinger equation to free particle, infinite well, finite well, barrier potential, tunneling
Simple Harmonic Oscillator, two-dimensional square box, the scanning tunneling microscope. Wave function for two or more particles, indistinguishable particles, symmetry and anti-symmetry under exchange of particles, Pauli’s exclusion principle, electronic configurations of atoms. Quantum model of a solid – periodicity of potential and bands, E – k diagram, effective mass, band gap.
Microstates and macrostates of a system, equal probability hypothesis, Boltzman factor and distribution, ideal gas, equipartition of energy, Maxwell speed distribution, average speed, RMS speed, Quantum distributions - Bosons and Fermions, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution, applications.
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NOTE: Few videos in this playlist are not necessary and this lecture series is not in the same order as that of our syllabus; cross check with syllabus
NOTE: Few videos in this playlist are not necessary and this lecture series is not in the same order as that of our syllabus; cross check with syllabus