Physics LAB


List of Experiments:

  1. Magnetic Hysteresis loss - Using CRO
  2. Band gap using four probe method
  3. Hall effect- determination of carrier density, Hall coefficient and mobility
  4. Solar cell characteristics
  5. Double refraction – measurement of principle refractive indices.
  6. Measurement of N.A & Attenuation
  7. Measurement of e/m of electron – Thomson’s experiment
  8. Determination of Planck’s constant
  9. Measurement of electron charge – Millikan oil drop experiment
  10. Determination of magnetic field along the axis of the coil
  11. Newton’s rings
  12. Laurent’s Half shade polarimeter –determination of specific rotatory power
  13. Study of P-N junction
  14. Study of voltage-current characteristics of a Zener diode.
  15. Measurement of magnetic susceptibility- Quincke’s Method / Gouy’s balance
  16. Laser – measurement of angle of divergence & determination of λ using grating
  17. Mapping of magnetic field
  18. Temperature measurement by using thermocouple

Note: Any 8 experiments have to be done.


  1. A.C. Melissinos, J. Napolitano, Experiments in Modern Physics, Academic Press (2003)
  2. Avadhanulu, Dani and Pokley, Experiments in Engineering physics, S. Chand & Company ltd (2002).
  3. S.L. Gupta and V. Kumar, Practical physics, Pragathi Prakash (2005)
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